When anyone seeks to know about a relationship, they are asking to compare themselves and what they want with another person or situation. This is a simple spread.
- Card 1- You ,
- Card 2 - Other
- Card 3 - Nature of the Relationship.
This spread is useful to determine the central connection of a relationship to a person or a given circumstance at a given moment in time. Hold in your mind the who or what you are relating to. The cards answer are from your perspective only! The patterns, concerns, and applicability of these items is your Essence conveying what you need to know about how this relationship affects you.
1. You What you represent or your position or what you bring to this interaction. |
2. The Other A person, thing, principle, or situation in which you are interacting. |
3. The Relationship The foundation qualities which underlie the interaction. This card offers a perspective about how you might be or what you might do. |