45 Venus

“Why don’t you come up and see me sometime.”
Mae West, Film – “She Done Him Wrong”
Symbols and Color
- The Horse – Chess Knight: Symbol of the Warrior Set
- Upper Right: (Knowledge Position): Vitruvian Man – Symbol of the Body Type Group
- Lower Left: (Power Position): Penny – Image for the Ordinal Perspective
- Lower Right: (Support Position): The Club – The tool and Symbol of the Action Axis
- Color: Red – Warrior Set
Implications of the Upright Position or Positive Pole
Few symbols capture beauty like the ancient statue of Aphrodite, or Venus to the Romans. The raw sensuous energy of Venus is the height of the Warrior nature. When it comes to sex appeal, there is no more tantalizing a body than the olive skinned, dark haired lusciousness of a Venusian Body Type. But it is the Warrior’s body built to be malleable and adaptable, swarthy and enduring, and pretty; but it can also be tough. Often, stocky or blocky, this Body Type has a sort of toughness that conveys a kind of animal prowess to it. An Essence chooses such a look when the look of danger is desired in a male, or a look of sexual potency is desired in a female.
Card messages in the Illuminated position.
+ Voluptuous
(sensual, swarthy, curvaceous, zaftig)
- Whatever you see right now looks particularly yummy. Voluptuous! Get comfy and snuggle in.
- There is no finer beauty than that which radiates from sensuality and animal magnetism.
- Whenever one looks in the mirror, and can see beauty without vanity, then one becomes the light around which all things are illumined. Radiate the beautiful nature inside you.
- Sensual beauty flows whenever you love your body and care for it. Have the former and do the latter.
- Radiate outward the beautiful nature that originates from within you. The only light of you comes from you. Shine.
- Celebrate the soft, warm, and comfortable in your life. Luxuriate in those with full appreciation and without apology.
- There is no greater physical beauty than that which comes from sensuality and animal magnetism. Revel in the attention, Purr, Growl, Croon, Meow or Howl from your body! Leave your head out of it.
- Aphrodite knew that beauty was fleeting. What made her iconic was love. Bring love is kindness and joy to all who need it. Help others see the beauty in life today.
- This card is about sensuality and alure.
- Once upon a time, being curvy and sensual was a mark of wealth, status and luxury. In this instance, enjoy these aspects instead of criticizing yourself or someone else for them.
- Whenever one looks in the mirror, and can see beauty without vanity, then one becomes the light around which all things are illumined. Radiate the beautiful nature inside you.
- Dress things up. Make the appearance stunning.
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
- “Beauty is the purest feeling of the soul. Beauty arises when soul is satisfied.”
― Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power - “When you love someone a lot, they just look like love.” ― Rebecca Solnit, Cinderella Liberator
Implications of the Reversed Position or Negative Pole
Few Americans can resist a really good hamburger. Once upon a time, such meaty feasts would have been available only once a week or so, after a successful hunt, or at the end of a major battle. Now, some of us can indulge in these grease balls, having them slather down our chins or onto the fronts of our shirts, three times per day. It is any wonder why this symbol of hearty indulgence is used for the negative pole? All one has to do to become Slovenly is merely feast upon this little mound of calories and the pounds will pack on in no time.
Card messages in the Shadow position.
– Sloppy
(Slovenly, morose, obese, disgruntle)
- Taking things for granted leads one to become sloppy. The ensuing disorder is in no way attractive. Where are you being inattentive? Are you leaving a big mess to clean-up?
- Beauty is said to be fleeting. This is true if you classify it in appearance only. If so, you are being shallow and missing much.
- No amount of make-up covers the kind of disgust associated with unkempt sloppiness. Clean up your act!
- Taking things for granted leads one to becoming slovenly. Where are you being inattentive? Are you leaving a big mess to clean up?
- Someone has done a sloppy job. Making excuses for lack of tidiness or indifference to intentions is not to be indulged.
- Creature comforts are the sensual pleasures that allow the body to recuperate and relax. Yet overindulgence can make one soft, weak, and sluggish, losing any discipline to harness your energy when necessary. It might be worth a review to see if you still fit into those old jeans. Or, to play the pun, check to see which genes are activated to make you obese? Sometimes, you just have too much junk in the trunk. Get up off your ass!
- Author and Hollywood cynic Dorothy Parker is quoted as having issued this rhyme about the fleeting nature of physical beauty, “Beauty is only skin deep, ugly is to the bone. Beauty always fades away, but ugly, holds its own.” Invariably, this statement refers to the inside as well. Find that first, no matter what your age or physical appearance.
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
- Beauty is only skin deep, Ugly is to the bone! Beauty ALWAYS fades away, but UGLY…holds its own. Anonymous
Relevance in the Michael Teaching
When it comes to sex appeal, there is no more tantalizing a body than the olive skinned, dark haired lusciousness of a Venusian Body Type. But it is the Warriors body built to be malleable and adaptable.
Famous Examples
Elizabeth Taylor, Pacific Islanders, Mae West (+lunar +jupiter), Tom Selleck (+saturn),
Cultural Significance
What is considered sexy and what is considered slovenly are often so close as to put a fine line between beauty and the beast. Indeed, one might say that this comparison serves to remind us how perception and distortion of it in the “eye of the beholder” shifts our attention with a simple belief. Standards meant to inform or categorize easily morph into stereotypes and definitions of character.
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