49 Solar

“I’m too sexy for my shirt!”
Song from Right Side Fred
Symbols and Color
- Atom: Scholar Set
- Mask: Role Group
- Neutral: Neither Ordinal or Exalted but may have both.
- Astrological Symbol of the Sun
- Border Color: Yellow – Scholar Set and Assimilative Axis
Implications of Upright Position or Positive Pole
There is no more central a figure in the lives of human beings than the Sun. What it radiates is no more than the source of all life Itself. It is fitting to put the furnace of creation in the positive pole, since we depend on its Radiance. The Solar Body Type in this pole radiates health, beauty and adaptability. In most Western cultures, it is the symbol of vitality and wholeness.
Card messages in the Illuminated position.
+ Radiance
(dignified, vibrant, innocent, healthy, perfect, attractive, gleaming, speedy, refined, captivating, airy)
- The energy of a bright sunny day is irresistible. Bring that radiance to every situation you are involved.
- Childlike youthfulness blesses those sun loving persons with a radiant attractiveness. Few question or challenge vitality and fitness of someone with a tan. Shine your light and play, you will warm and be warmed.
- Warmth attracts everyone. Share yours sincerely.
- Shine your light and play. You will warm and be warmed.
- Speak all that you have to say with all the radiant intensity you muster; in full force of your energy and vibrancy. Your sheer style often spellbinds listeners and they give you a pass no matter what you say. Think Madonna! She is one of a kind, too! Shine brightly, but try not to burn.
- The bronze beach god or goddess turns everyone’s head. It is hard to argue with a stunning presence. Hold yourself in the highest possible light and you will outshine anyone and drive all the clouds of doubt away.
- Warmth attracts everyone. Share yours sincerely.
- Robert Frost once wrote, “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” Having the Solar Body Type in this pole, makes you radiant to everyone who sees you. Perhaps that’s what is meant when we say, “Blondes have more fun.”
- Shine your light and play, you will warm and be warmed. In case this eludes you, speak what you have to say with all the force you can muster. Not explosive, but with radiant intensity and full possession of your energy. Think Madonna, both of them. Shine, don’t burn.
Quotes signifying the Overleaf in this pole
- “I am dominated by one thing, an irresistible, burning attraction towards the abstract.” ~ Gustave Moreau
- “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” Robert Frost
Implications of the Reversed Position or Negative Pole
When we divide the sun’s rays into a selected spectrum, we get less than the nourishing elements of it. Though we might still get enough to see, it doesn’t necessary make us feel warm or alive. In the negative pole, this image points to the ethereal (ungrounded and unearthly) nature of having only partial energy available to us. The skylight filters and shields as does the “being out-of-body” sensation that attends feeling of being stuck between two worlds.
Card messages in the Shadow position.
– Ethereal
(juvenile, flighty, ungrounded, aloof, superficial, poser, manikin, manic, airy)
- Ungrounded and indistinct, the ethereal quality of this shadow card is to be petty, superficial and distant. Know that such a state causes one’s shine to glare which makes others turn away.
- When one aspires to the light, it is easy to become ungrounded in the ways of the world. Remember you are a creature of Earth! Get your feet back on it.
- “Blondes have more fun,” so the saying goes. Yet, if you are bleached, one has to do a lot of disguising. Look closely to see where a whitewash is being applied to cover over a bit of ashamed of imperfections.
- Shine can come from the soul, or from polish. Don’t be fooled.
- The glamour of the Aryan race is what is associated with this idealized version of the negative pole of the Solar body type’s “whiteness.” Appearances are maximized in the same way that a bright glare is noticeable but impossible to stare at directly. We tend to squint our eyes instead of focus.
- Apparently, even bleached blondes have more fun. Heck add a spray on tan and no one will know if you are faking it. Sometimes, glare and gaudy passes for brightness and brilliance. Might as well let yourself go and have some, before it all fades away.
- You might be getting too hot. On your way to becoming a shining star, be careful not to collapse into a black hole. Minimize your energy expenditures for a while. Still, check your physical temperature to make sure you aren’t running a fever. Burning up will cause a breakdown.
- The “Valley Girl” or bleached blonde air-head leaps out to the chagrin of everyone. Don’t think yourself so hot that you wont get burned! A poser has the spotlight.
Quotes signifying the Overleaf in this pole
- “I’m not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I’m not dumb…I also know I’m not blonde.” Singer Dolly Parton
- “Blondes make the best victims. They’re like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.” – Alfred Hitchcock.
Relevance in the Michael Teaching
As the Assimilative Axis Body Type (BT), the Solar physique can take on many projections from people’s gaze. Neutrality, as is the hallmark of this Axis, tends to make a phenotype that requires other Body types to combine with it to make it distinct. In a rare pure form (i.e. where a majority of the characteristics are Solar, can make a person look quite asexual, amorphic, and perhaps even hermaphroditic. That is why, though the affects of this BT are visibly very pronounced, a person seldom takes on more than about 50% of their genetics which would produce these characteristics. Most of the time, similar to the qualities adapted from the “Exotic Body Types”, ‘a little goes a long way’; so as a percentage of total qualities the proportion is usually an augment rather than a defining primary BT.
The main feature of the ‘shine’ of the solar body type is typified by the figure (person) of the famed 60’s fashion icon, Twiggy. The blonde hair, contrasting blue eyes, and slender, elastic lithe limbs, all covered by sinewy lengths of shaped tendons. This is not necessarily a “strong” physical body, but it is adaptable and in many cultures sought after because it can be seen as beautiful, luxurious, or prized.
The Childlike shine is almost always seen as beautiful, healthy, and vibrant. The Solar body type typifies a kind of projection that is associated with perfection. Considered neutral this body type infuses usually more definitive types with qualities which make is seem alive, energetic, and outdoorsy. The composite renders an appearance that is attractive to most people’s eyes and sensibilities.
Many relate this body to what the Nazi German’s thought of as the Aryan Race. Though history would suggest this mythical personification of perfection to be of different features. It was the Nordic look, or stereotype that they were after. Ironically, fertility is one of the area’s where a person with high Solar features might experience issues and limitations.
Famous Examples
Cinderella (and many of the Disney princesses, Twiggy (and many famous fashion models), Ryan Seacrest, Merryl Streep (+Lunar), Brad Pitt +Saturn, Goldie Hawn +Venus, Judy Garland +Neptune, Michael Jackson (+Venus, +Neptune) Peter Pan, Fred Astaire, Justin Timberlake (+Mercurial and Martial)
Cultural Significance
The dumb blonde is easy to pick on especially when jealousy drives it. Accruing many accolades and viewed with almost a picturesque quality of perfection, those with a tan and blonde hair have come to classified as the Aryan race…the super being. Adolf Hitler, following Nietzsche description of the UberMensch (perfect “super” human) carried out monstrous heinous policies of eugenics and extermination of what he deemed “lesser humans like: Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals.
The Nordic quality tends to strip the overtly sexual qualities of these bodies making them distinctly neutral in appearance, but they radiate health and vitality. We are at a time where getting healthy is far more significant than how you look. Get strong and get healthy don’t worry about how it looks.
Attributes of this Body Type…
- Blonde or light hair.
- Long limbs.
- Smooth skin.
- Large eyes.
- Often tanned but generally radiant appearance.
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