46 Mars

Fire all phasers!
Said by Star Trek Captains
Symbols and Color
- King’s Crown: King Set – Background Image and
- Vitruvian Man: Body Type Group
- Pharaoh: Exalted Orientation
- The Astrological symbol for Mars
- Border Color: Gold for King Set
Implications of the Upright Position or Positive Pole
Adonis was a Mars Body Type. He was the Masculine (Card 55) the male God of beauty, the counterpart to Feminine (Card 54) Aphrodite (Card 45). In paintings, or chiseled in stone, this figure of solid “6-pack abs” and posture of the stalwart spear carrying model, is often cited by those who see a the “perfect” male physique. But, for the MT System, the body type may belong to either gender. Captain Janeway, the lead character of the Star Trek Voyager franchise, shows the distinctive red hair, the slightly forward leaning stance, and the compact physique that are hallmarks of this Mars body type in the positive pole. Usually showing at a fairly early age, these were the kids on the playground who could engage in just about any sport because they were a block of muscle, had the endurance that one could only marvel at and envy. The image was chosen because it reminds me of the media’s portrayal of how the “fit” man should look. As the King Body Type, it conveys the ultimate masculine stereotype of warrior-god all in one.
Card messages in the Illuminated position.
+ Endurance
(vigorous, robust, cut, impetuous, precocious, fortitude, sturdy)
- The God of War has endurance built from the strength of dedicated practice. What discipline needs to be set into motion?
- With a readiness for action and a penchant for fitness, the energy of this card says, “whatever you do, endurance is yours!”
- Focused intensity and the ability to endure rewards you. Whatever you survive once, is still survival!
- Mars, in Greek Ares, was the God of War. But the body type was flawless precision of physical movement, efficiency, and muscular viscerality. No matter what your shape, style or apparent strength harness all your resources and make a forward advance with everything you have.
- Kung Fu, actually translates into “acquired or practiced skill”. Endurance, repetition, improvement and dedication are the fundamentals that apply to the hallmark of this Body Type. There is no failure just progress. Just don’t stop.
- Check your fitness for a project, or the fitness of others you’ve engaged. It might be tempting to receive an accolade of an offer, but it doesn’t mean it is a smart move to take it on. Are you all up to the task?
- Vitality, endurance, fearlessness, and conflict are elements of this card. You can win this game.
- Focus your intensity and make a show of strength. Your efforts will be rewarded.
- Go ahead and pose. You’ve earned it. Let the Olive branches of victory be adorned upon you. No matter what your opinion of yourself, you have earned the right to be exalted as the conquering hero.
- Make your strikes surgically precise. Do not go for a kill or to maim, just disable that adversary who is attacking you. This is about minimal energy expenditure to end a conflict, not obliteration, let alone revenge. Still, even if metaphorically, be ready!
- Moxie is an old term meaning: guts, boldness, and determination. Take the bull by the horns and show you are not going to be overrun by anything!
- This physical structure may be the most optimal for the animal/predator/hunter that exists in this classification. It is innately strong, flexible, enduring, and able to move quickly. Use these advantages in your thinking not only in your motions. You can not only survive but thrive.
Quotes signifying the Overleaf in this pole
- “Endurance is nobler than strength, and patience than beauty.” John Ruskin
- “Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance.” Virgil
- “Not in achievement, but in endurance, of the human soul, does it show its divine grandeur and its alliance with the infinite.” Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Implication of the Reversed Position or Negative Pole
Temper, temper! There is much lore about the “red head” having a fiery personality, with a sudden impulse to act. Well, as the King Body Type, and its associated qualities, Dominance (Card 11) of Impatience (Card 24), and Aggression (Card 32), we can understand that its natural proclivities is to be Impulsive, and perhaps even out-of-control. A scrapper, one who jumps into a competition or maybe even a fight, is a quality of this archetypal Body type in both males and females. Either may express themselves the other way as well, sexually. Look out for this person’s libido; it is possible it is like a torpedo.
Card messages in the Shadow position.
– Impulsive
(erratic, explosive, impulsive, capricious, unpredictable, stalking, rash, fettle, rigor)
- Success is decisive but impulsive action is seldom wise or effective. This situation is spiraling out-of-control in an action-reaction cycle. It is a marvel that anyone doesn’t see the addict running the show. Where has impulse control been lost?.
- Impulse control is vital! Don’t let a quirk take you on a wild ride – yours or someone who you are with.
- Impetuous action is seldom wise or effective. This situation is spiraling out-of-control. Reel back your impulse to overreact. You can fix this!
- It is funny that rash and rational can sound so similar and yet have such different meanings. This Card in this pole is all about rash, unpredictable, spontaneous, and often capricious actions that have thrust, but little concerted direction. Sometimes you survive an explosion but if you are too close to the detonation, you might be blown to bits! Are you sure you are impervious?
- Impetuous action is seldom wise or effective. This situation is spiraling out of control. Reel back your impulse to overreact. You can fix this.
- Siblings may fight when no parent is present to rein them in. Situations between two combatants in the same group, or on the same side, destroys cohesion. Get to the root of the fracas and then stop it!
- Make your strikes surgically precise. Do not kill or maim; just disable that adversary who is attacking you. That will be enough to dissuade further aggression. Negotiation will only serve to defeat you.
- It was none other than the Roman poet Virgil who said, ““Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance.” You might want to listen to paeans of great heroes, or nowadays motivational speeches, to keep you going, but don’t let this situation make you give up or give in.
- Check your fitness for a project or the fitness of others you are engaged. You look like you are up for the task. Are they? Do they fit a niche you need them for?
- Johnny Knoxville, the ‘star’ of the Jackass movie franchise, who himself is a Mars body type, captured the mindset of someone operating from the negative pole. “I pretty much operate on adrenaline and ignorance.” It is a very karmic way that many people get through life.
- Thrashing about in rash actions may be seen as erratic, but if you keep swinging at it, that unpredictability might work to your advantage. Still, it will probably exhaust you.
- Siblings may fight when no parent is present to rein them in. Conflicts between two combatants of the same group or on the same side will destroy its cohesion. Get to the root of the fracas and stop it. Remember that the real battle is out there.
- “Kick ass and ask questions later”. This might sound good for the bully, but that is the choice facing you right now. The question is: are you on the giving or receiving end? Either way, brutality is the strategy here. Not advocating, simply acknowledging.
- Chances are you are holding your breath, secretly hoping that what you improvise works. Can you take a breath before you lash out? You will be bruised and bloodied in the process, but you might be the last one standing, most probably metaphorically; like financially or emotionally. Still, stand up when done!
Quotes signifying the Overleaf in this pole
- “I pretty much operate on adrenaline and ignorance.” Johnny Knoxville
- “The creative impulses of man are always at war with the possessive impulses” Wyck Brooks
Relevance in the Michael Teaching
This is the Body Type of the King. Vital, active, intense, it is capable of immediate and impulsive action. The Essence chooses this Body Type for readiness and to engage in what might tough circumstances. Ruled by the adrenal glands, it is equips someone to respond in a flight or fight way. They may be quick to anger, but once calmed, they are ready to play. They want to diffuse tension. It enables Personality to project an air invincibility. Like the Chief Feature on the same axis, quick action, or reflex, is preferred.
Famous Examples
Scarlett Johannsen (+solar), Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway), Paul Newman (+Neptune), John Glenn, Robert Redford, Farah Fawcett (+solar), Shirley McClaine (+Neptune) Toby Mcguire,
Cultural Meaning
The martial arts have taken up almost a mystical quality in western culture. With an allure that might be called dangerous, they mark the man or woman who will stand and fight for themselves. Our love for the fighting man, and now woman, appeal to us because they exude a toughness seen as sexy, even exciting fear in both friend and foe. Mars, the God of War, reminds us that doing battle may seem honorable and reveal incredible strength and endurance, but when it is glorified, we can be certain of a continued supply.
Attributes of this Body Type…
- Reddish or auburn hair
- Often freckled skin
- A natural taught and sinewy musculature that the person maintains with little or no exercise
- Compact, usually of average height.
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