68 Essence Twin

“You are a part of me.”
Anne Murray
Essence Twins: Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor got married each other and divorced 3 different times!
Symbols and Color
- Border Color: Shades of Gray – Nothing is completely black or white. Reality is vast array of nuances
- Background Image: The image is that of a sine wave.16 It is that of a parallel resonance circuit (PRC)17 which is the basis for alternating current what is more commonly called AC power. To conduct AC current there must be a joining of a male connector – the plug (Card 60 – Masculine) and the “female” connector – the receptacle (Card 59 – Feminine). Although the complete graph is partially obstructed by the negative pole image; the metaphor is not about man and woman, but of two aspects of energy forming a fusion, where their overlap falls into sync, creating a unique pattern. Such is the physics of the Essence Twin (ET) bond. In the Michael Teachings, this concept has more concept roots than romantic attachments. It speaks to an association made at the formation of souls in a myriad web designed to test infinite combinations of individual iterations of the TAO. This underlying structure can be explored in greater detail in many sources online and in other books outlining these teachings.
- Clasped Hands: A version of Rodin’s Touch of Lovers. (Photo by S. Cocconi)
- Alpha & Omega: The TAO book of Life Infinite combinations after casting.
- Psyche and Cupid: A mythological fusion between Spirit (Cupid) and Body (Psyche) and how they long to be together. The metaphor of the pairing of star-crossed lovers.
- A Hand Mirror: Like Narcissus, one can hold it up and be completely self-obsessed (Card 57 – Self Love – neg pole.), or acknowledge the reflection of what you see in another person resides first within oneself.
Implications of the Upright Position or Positive Pole
Swans are one of the species of birds that mate for life. Metaphorically, the Soul Mate or Essence Twin, connects at creation and can travel through an entire cycle of incarnations together. The swan’s necks form a heart, and at the core, the love for the Soul Mate is the most complete. Yet, unlike the birds, the Essence Twin may yearn for one another without connection. Yet, internally, it can cause a resonant memory that can still make one feel whole. Interestingly enough, the Indo-European root word for swan is “to sing”, which is exactly the kind of harmony everyone is searching for when they imagine a Soul mate. Your swan song is not an end, it is a signal that wholeness is near.
Card messages in the Illuminated position.
+ Soul Mate
(anam cara, twin flame, identical, counterpart, match)
- Everyone, to one degree or another, is a reflection of some aspect of ourselves. The most powerful comparison is the soul mate, whose very substance is identical to yours. You are being asked to embrace every person as a mirror, to notice what you are and what you are not. Harvest energy and information from every reflection, let it bring you to wholeness.
- Oneness is the experience of being reunited. The Essence Twin is the other half of your own identity. Are you in need of reconnecting?
- Harvest energy from information from every from every reflection. Each facet can bring you closer to knowing the wholeness of totality.
- If you can see it in someone else, the reflection resides in you somewhere. Hopefully you acknowledge the admirable ones as much as you wrestle the difficult ones.
- It can be an equally wonderful and terrifying experience to meet your Soul Mate. Such a union can raise both the best in us and the most denied. If you are seeing someone who appears to be another you, make sure to allow yourself to see all of them. Compassion will expand.
- The point of the Essence Twin (ET) is to augment the primary Role of Self with a second, internal connection that assures you of another perspective, but also another instinctive presence causing one to feel another presence. Regardless, one can always find a commonality with another Soul if one only allows love to permeate, instead of fear to freeze, your perceptions. We are all connected.
- Essence Contact is at hand. It is an irrefutable realism is about to be exchanged between two people. It is a marvel to behold. Don’t let the form fool you. Sometimes the most real bridge is built in the fires of anger or in the flood of danger. You will vibrate when you experience it.
- Essence-directedness is at the basis of this card.
- Reflection happens in a prism as well. There are many variations here to look at. Each point of view reveals a slightly different perspective. If one can appreciate, rather than rate, judge, or find the distortions untenable, then one can see the art of awareness emerging from you. Don waste a chance to gaze upon another living aspect of all there is. Absorb and learn.
- Oneness is the experience of being reunited. The Essence Twin is the other half of your own identity. Are you in need of reconnecting?
- Harvest energy and information from every reflection; let it bring you to wholeness.
- Have love for yourself and return compassion for anything else. Both, not either/or!
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
- “What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.” Aristotle
- “True freedom is giving someone the permission to misunderstand you.” —Lauren Daigle
- “Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. It is unselfish; therefore, it cannot exist alone but requires all mankind to share it.” —Mary Baker Eddy
Implications of Reversed Position or Negative Pole
Sigmund Freud taught us in the Victorian West to consider your dreams. His protégé and Essence Twin, Carl Jung, encouraged us to be aware of archetypal symbols. The image portrays another variation of the Essence Twin Model, that of the Mirror. What is it like to look at someone else, and while not actually seeing your own face or body, nonetheless, recognize a reflection of one’s own way of being, habits, predilections, or similar life story? For me, the mirrored color and black and white contrast to Freud’s picture posses another question: Does life have color for you? Or various shades of gray? Or perhaps things are merely black and white?
Card messages in the Shadow position.
– Mirror
(double, duplicate, replica, simulacrum)
- Reflection Denied — Imagine turning away from a mirror because you don’t like what you see? In shadow, the Essence Twin seems a curse, not an ally.
- Cannot stand someone? Having trouble being in their presence? What repels you about them? There is something in them that you really dislike in your Universe. Getting neutral on your reaction does not mean you accept the condition. It just means you are not neurotically reactive toward it. This is both maturity and Soul Age advancement.
- Many people say they are looking for the other who is ‘the right fit’ and ‘accepts me just as I am.’ Hmmm? It could be you are looking to wear someone like a garment and have them completely mold to your requirements. If you want acceptance, come to terms with your own demons, resentments, and disowned parts of self. The reunion can be tumultuous but amazing.
- The ET is the ultimate mirror. Like Carl Jung might say “the anima to the animas”. Whatever the angle of sight they are an embodiment of an opposite! Are they the light and you the dark? It might be jealousy?
- Until you find a way to let go of an obsession over someone, you will be tormented by the thought of not having them.
- Stalkers are afoot. They are obsessed with someone whose admiration or hatred is at its peak. Who is watching? Either run and hide or take the issue directly to them. End it, one way or another!
- Until you can find a way to let go of an obsession to someone, you will be tormented by the thought of not having them.
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
- “When you consider things like the stars, our affairs don’t seem to matter very much, do they?” —Virginia Woolf
- “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” —Princess Diana
Relevance in the Michael Teaching
Playing with fire? Like a steam engine that is boiling hot the Essence Twin (ET) relationship is seldom what one might call passive or neutral. Reflecting the inner most Soul of another the very things about themselves they adore or fear or detest can make these encounters a staging ground for dynamic growth and powerful transformation.
It is important to note and thus dispel the stereotypical quality of this concept that the Essence Twin or “soul mate” is always a romantic relationship. By not means would souls limit themselves in such a specific thematic way. On many occasions, in fact the most frequently occurring way that ET’s come together in a lifetime is a parent and child. The fundamental and customary longer lasting duration of that relationship enables the pair to work with each other on many levels. In the extreme, there have been cases of incest when the attraction of the twins is stronger than the cultural taboo. As one might infer, the ET relationship can be highly fraught with karma.
Because the separation of bodies can result in an Essence feeling unbearable isolation, the TAO fuses together two souls shortly after their creation. The purpose of this is two fold: 1) to insure that a person has some deep spiritual connection that validates the hope that one might be able to connect with another person in life. Loneliness is one of the most significant and worldly MAYA’s of the Physical Plane. The ET connection creates a bond yet may also create a yearning; that in some seems unquenchable. 2) Because each Essence is cast in a Role, for the character of the Personality, the ET influence acts as a secondary Role influence which adds greater diversity to the planet of human beings and diversifies the ways in which an individual evaluates experience.
It is possible to be with another person and love them with passion and devotion and commitment and they not be your ET. ET arrangements for meeting in life may be brief and pivotal. Or in other cases, there is not agreement to have an ET encounter due to the distinct agendas either may have for their evolution.
But all relationships, no matter how close or distant may serve as a reflection upon your own character and behavior. To consider the action, emotions and motives of another person offers tremendous benefit for the Self. One may learn by extension watching another being. And if that person is held as a likeness or echo of their own state of being, then the possibility for self understanding increases dramatically. The ET tends to offer the most poignant of mirrors whose appearance will generate many emotions and stir many questions.
Famous Examples
Romeo & Juliet, Orville & Wilbur Wright, Anthony & Cleopatra, John Lennon & Yoko Ono
Cultural Meaning
Fixated on the “one true love” is trap of MAYA, a demand of Ego, and yet a longing for connection deeper than either can imagine.
Here is a powerful example of the Essence Twin relationship in action; Michael said Essence Twins can be as close as one being.
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