76 Cycle Off

“A release into elsewhere.”
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Symbols and Color
- Background Image: – I took this photo of the O’Shaughnessy Dam of the Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite National Park. Several sets of ascending stairs on the face of the dam allow workmen to progressively get to the top, and look over the edge. Each set of stairs (a Soul Age) has progressive steps (like Soul Levels) each coming to a junction in-between, for a moment of respite, before one embarks on the next. For Soul advancement we all must ascend the ladder awareness. Some steps can seem grueling while others remind us that the end is near. At every stage the point of view changes.
- Border Color: Tan – like the Good Red Road of Life in Native American Mythology
- Triality: The way to break away from the dualistic judgment of what just is. When we get to ‘meta’ or neutral we have inculcated all we can and one is no longer attached.
- Spiral Nautilus Shell: Cycles of Soul Age.
- Symbol of the Logos: There is a time for everything including death.
- Dead Battery: When all its life force is used up. With no connection to (Soul Spirit – Card 58) the end of the life on the Physical Plane. There is no coming back.
Implications of the Upright Position or Positive Pole
The end of the road. The positive pole means +Completion. You did what you set out to do. The race does not have to be “won” just finished. But there is cause for celebration since the end is in sight. Now it is onto what is beyond the horizon and onto the next phase of existence.
Card messages in the Illuminated position.
+ Completion
(Resolution, done, graduation, delivery, departure, finish, release, achievement, attainment, finalization, fulfillment, closure.)
- At the time when something has been experienced, considered, explored, tested, and learned, that’s it: completion time! No reason to do anything more. You are done hear and now, it is final.
- Don’t consider this a time to die, but a time to begin a brand new cycle and transmigrate to a new dimension of awareness. Now, get out of here, and go do something else. 🙂
- Things are at a state of completion. Move onto the next thing.
- When you can feel yourself in the home stretch, winning is not defeating someone else in the race, victory is crossing the finish line. Congratulations, you’ve done it.
- You’ve graduated. Accept your degree and move on.
- That’s it! You’re done. What are you going to do now? Leave or begin anew? It’s up to you.
- All plans are finalized. No more to do. Say your good-byes. Let everyone know how you feel.
- It is time to begin a brand new journey into a new dimension of awareness. Now get out of here and go do something else.
- Transcendence is the migration from one stage of being to the next. Ready or not, here/there you go!
- You can feel yourself in the home stretch. Winning is not defeating someone else in the race, victory is crossing the finish line. Congratulations, you’ve done it!
- It’s a time to begin a brand new journey into a new dimension of awareness. Now, get out of here, and go do something else.
- “And in the End, the love you take, is equal to…the love…you make.” The End by Paul McCartney
- Sage baseball Manager Yogi Berra used to say “it ain’t over till it’s over.” So you might as well just relax! The end will come before you know it, and perhaps take longer than you want it to.
Quotation illustrating this sentiment…
- “Love is the outreach of Self toward completion.” Ralph W. Stockman
- “Every child is a thought in the mind of God, and our task is to recognize this thought and help it toward completion.” Eberhard Arnold
- “The human soul, as a part of the movement of life, is endowed with the ability to participate in the uplift, elevation, perfection, and completion.” Dr. Alfred Adler
- “It ain’t over, till its over.” Famed Baseball Manager Yogi Berra
Implications of the Reversed Position or Negative Pole
Crap gets flushed. It too is done. Whatever useful material was pulled out of the life, the rest is disposed of. Sometimes endings just happen whether we plan them or not. That is what happens when we need to use the toilet: it is just time! It might not be glorious or have that sense of completion like in the positive pole, but it is done! Sometimes we just feel flushed. Don’t linger if you can.
Card messages in the Shadow position.
– Exhaustion
(Cessation, demise, done, dissolution, lifeless, conclusion, termination, death, extinction, ending)
- It is possible to finish a race and feel only exhaustion but not accomplishment. There is no turning back. Use what you’ve learned but don’t restart the process. Realize that it is within you to decide when there is nothing more than can be done. Perhaps the only residue or unfinished business is in your attitude? Put closure on it and move on!
- Everyday is a complete cycle around the sun. The next day is a new beginning. Are you mourning for yesterday? Move on!
- Feeling exhausted? Put closure on your circumstance and move on! Lingering will lengthen, not resolve suffering here.
- End of the line. Time to get off.
- You may not have reached your peak, but you have certainly come to the end. Case closed.
- Death is the only true absolute for the Personality. The question is: are you living well with the time you have? If you hesitated in answering, you are not done yet!
- Termination can happen to you without your agreement or permission. Neither matter here.
- Sometimes we don’t feel ready when the end comes. This may be one of those. No completion, but if you can, come to some closure for yourself.
- Realize that it is within you to decide when there is nothing more than can be done. Perhaps the only residue or unfinished business is in your attitude? Put closure on it and move on!
- There is no going back. Use what you’ve learned but you can’t restart the process. You’ve reached the terminus. Maybe you don’t feel complete, but things are at an end. Get on with it.
- Death relieves the living of all other options. If you still have options, …well!
- It is great when an ending brings satisfaction, but when the game ceases and everyone has left, realize that in some instances you get closed out. Accept it or regret it. There is no changing it.
- Can’t figure out why something isn’t moving forward? Perhaps it’s time has come and gone?
Quotation illustrating this sentiment…
- “Living in a constant chase after gain compels people to expend their spirit to the point of exhaustion” Friedrich Nietzsche
- “Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion . . . . I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.” Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
- “I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you different.” Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
- “Death is a release from the impressions of the senses, and from desires that make us their puppets, and from the vagaries of the mind, and from the hard service of the flesh.” Marcus Aurelius
Relevance to the Michael Teaching
Our existence as a soul or Essence or Soloverse, which like the expansionary force upon the Universe itself, moves a Being through a continuous series of changes that by design are evolutionary. And as such, progressive and inclusive. After a complete cycle of incarnations, the many lives an Essence uses to explore experience and learning on the Physical Plane, a finality arrives. In The Michael Teaching system of creation and evolution, one’s advancement does not rest upon success but completion; just passing through the necessary experiences required for progression. In other words, one does not have to demonstrate great wisdom, nor maturity, just an understanding of the relevance of each stage. Said another way, you don’t have to win the race and get the glory, just cross the finish line. Eventually, everyone does, even if they crawl across. For an Essence to Cycle-off the Physical Plane, all it takes is being done! And being done, is when there is no motivation or resistance left.
Michael’s concept of Soul Age Evolution explains the path of Essences. The scope of this process applies only to the Physical Plane. Other Planes of Existence are said to have their own form of evolutionary process but built on the completion of various other milestones. Of the five (5) Earthly stages of Essence development: Infant, Baby, Young, Mature, and Old Age brackets are partitions which represent an primary shift in the perspective of the Soul toward life and existence as a whole. The five Soul Ages are similar to the procedural stages in project management. Thus, the cards in this deck bear the names that amalgamate both ideas into each stage. This is the journey that comes to an end when a Essence reaches the point of Cycling-off.
Applied Michael on the Cultural Meaning: Coming to Terms with Endings
There is no going back! No one lives forever in a body. Death happens to all living things. Whatever the afterlife is, we cannot know it until we arrive. It remains uncertain. It is not of this realm. Speculations to its existence abound in religion, philosophy, science and literature. Yet, it seems to captivate countless others much of the time. Life then becomes drained of a portion of its joie de verve. Only the next awaits us after each proceeding moment. A collection of moments strung together by the mind congeals events into some narrative of which gives meaning to our actions or simply tabulates actions.
To Cycle-Off, the inevitable end of life itself happens as does entropy to non-living things. But we have this thing called “consciousness” which presumes that our stories can actually predict what may happen next. While conceding that it may, the greater issue is whether it guides us now to seek fulfillment of our inner drives, those which spark the aspirations and make living a potent exercise in the present, rather than endurance test of the strictures imposed by others. And it is our decisions made now; about the here and now, that serve as the basis from which the meaning of our life is derived. The texture, taste, and value we took from our lives all comes from the meaning we ascribe to it.
When coming to the end of a project or a milestone, celebrate your triumphs, forgive your regrets, take stock on all that you have learned and those you have loved, and move onto the next phase with open eyes and a clear heart. This graphic is a bit of the fatalistic humor we experience with words and their meanings.
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