50 Pluto

“I am the God of Hell fire…and I bring you…”
Arthur Brown – Song, FIRE
Symbols and Color
- The Star: Sage Set
- Vitruvian Man: Body Type Group
- Pharaoh: Exalted Orientation
- The Astrological Symbol for Pluto
- Border Color: Blue – Sage Set
Implications of the Upright Position or Positive Pole
Albert Einstein has been called by many the greatest human mind ever. That could very well be. His E=mc2 equation is perhaps the most iconic mathematical formula known. Now, it and he are memes not just for fundamental knowledge, but for profound human concern. (“What are you, an Einstein?”) Professor Einstein was a Prodigy in that his talents were so strong at such a young age, and later so deeply developed that his early academic career was a leapfrog affair, eventually leading him away from traditional instruction, from sheer boredom. Real genius has difficulty staying within the confines of structures meant to contain: the average, aggregate, or mediocre sensibility. It seeks freedom to think, beyond all other aspects of life; (Expression Card 61) and is more than talking, it is life itself.
Card messages in the Illuminated position.
+ Prodigy
(genius, visionary, auteur)
- What is the talent or genius yearning to be revealed? What you do may not be unique, but the way you do it may certainly be.
- The prodigy is advanced to the furthest deviation. Being so far removed from the norm this genius is often solitary and “hears a different drummer.” You are at the vanguard of new frontiers of discovery.
- Stirring within you are ideas that could make your head explode. Let them explode out into the world before your head does.
- Icons are those people, places, or things, that are so recognizable by everyone, that they stand as the ubiquitous symbol a class of objects. Think the Mona Lisa about art. Einstein about science or intelligence. America: Stars and Stripes. etc. But what makes you iconic? Something that epitomizes an attribute so perfectly or uniquely that people think of you? Won’t it be wonderful to discover the genius of you?
- Ideas are stirring within you that could make your head explode. Pluto’s realm is remote but filled with collected treasures. Tap the deep recesses of you own underworld for inner riches.
- Have you a vision of life? If not, best to formulate one. Otherwise, you will only see what others have created and pay no heed to your own.
- Sometimes a person comes along who introduces you to a new Paradigm. You might be with such a person right now. That person, by the way, might be you.
- You can be amazing and prodigious even if you aren’t a prodigy. Be you to the fullest.
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
- “I am the god of hell fire and I bring you…Fire, I’ll take you to burn. Fire, I’ll take you to learn” Arthur Brown
Implications of the Reversed Position or Negative Pole
Pluto, in this card’s negative pole, is Hell, and the Devil, the “Prince of Lies”, and master of Doubt. Hell is the rudimentary underworld within us that can torment our higher sensibilities and do so with glorious temptation or hard facts. Botticelli’s imagery shows us two Western Icons: Jesus and Satan. These two iconic figures portray the eternal battle between opposing paradigms: good vs evil, and principle vs temptation. But beyond the New Testament, what makes us human is that constant urge to step between the good genius and the evil one, which can be a Menace – to Self and others. Remember that Jesus was tempted three times. Is it any wonder why our pleas of “get away” or “stop it” don’t abate so easily? The Menace occurs when we begin to fall prey to the fear or temptations wrought by our inner Demons. Our Christ self, must show “tough love”, but it is Love just the same. In this pole, it is hate that makes the actor a menace.
Card messages in the Shadow position.
– Menacing
(sinister, manacle, megalomania)
- Shadow genius is a sinister and often menacing force like a chimera, unique but so malevolent as to be bent on destruction. It is ruthlessly potent in its acquisition of power. There is a person acting with great cunning undermining others.
- You may think you are a genius but what you are doing is destroying something you care about. If you can’t stop yourself, ask for intervention.
- A devil is in disguise acting in your midst. A person of great cunning is undermining others.
- Iconoclasts are the destroyers of taken-for-granted beliefs, institutions, or personas of the famous. A menace to any status quo, they cannot hurt what is true, only that which pretends to be, but isn’t.
- Some type of destruction has just arrived to tear down what currently exists. This warning is a reprieve if you prepare. Perhaps you want chaos?
- This card suggests that true genius, in one area of life, may very well have with it an extremely narrow and selfish focus. The charming sociopath is what comes to mind. No real conscience but a potentially shrewd and calculating mind. Make certain to lay your boundaries well so that temptation does not get the better of you. The so-called “prince” or princess of lies, only succeeds because they have willing dupe to play along.
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
It’s strictly coincidental that Pluto of course was named for the god of the underworld and we’re describing these Halloween moons.
~ Alan Stern
Relevance in the Michael Teaching
The Plutonian energy is so strong an influence that like its atomic counterpart (plutonium) which allows for the devastating force of a nuclear weapon or the amazing output of electricity, one might say that a little goes a long way.
It is seldom taken on by an Essence unless it desires to have a major impact of at least convey a potentially fanatical devotion to something. On the positive side, Mozart whose child prodigy status as a performer was well known across Europe in his time, well before he dazzled the music world with musical compositions that stand the test of time. Both a genius and a savant in some ways. Yet, the use of this energy, combined with Neptunian which softened the Plutonian, teamed up to drive this person to near madness.
With some distinguishing elements that cause an intense gaze and concentration of light around the forehead (6th chakra) a person embodying this component can and will never be neutral about anything. They are extreme, advanced, genius endowed channels of new transformative information. However, insanity my loom forever near given the shear searing power that moves through their mind. Adolf Hitler’s conviction melded with his charismatic rise to power and the Overleaves of Dominance and Aggression turned an already formidable force in to a destroyer of epic proportions.
Famous Examples
Adolf Hitler +Uranian + Mercurial, James Burke + Lunar + Saturnian, Steve Jobs +Venus +Saturn, Yul Brenner +Neptune +Mercury +Mars, Eminem +Mercury, Glenn Close +Solar, Christina Ricci +Venus +Neptune, JJ Abrams +lunar +Jupiter, Jack Nicolson + Mercurial
Cultural Meaning
Pluto, the God of the Underworld in Roman mythology, aptly names the journey that this planetary influence takes us. In the human world, effects such as huge and powerful shocks seem to have a Plutonian influence.
Attributes of this Body Type…
There are few actual features common to this Body Type. Yet the most prominent quality present is a forehead that triangulates the sixth chakra and a piercing gaze. As if they could look right through you or if you held stare with it long enough, it could piece burn a hole in your mind. This is a subtle feature that tends not give anyone notice of its presence.
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