The Michael Tarot

Michael Motivation Cards List

Number Card Title Illuminated Side +Positive Pole Shadow Side -Negative Pole 0 TAO + Presence – Void 1 Server + Service – Bondage 2 Artisan + Creation – Artifice 3 Warrior + Persuasion – Coercion 4 Scholar + Knowledge – Theory 5 Sage + Dissemination – Oration 6 Priest + Compassion – Righteousness 7 King […]

Body Types – Appearances & Physiognamy

Body Types - Appearances & Physiognamy

by Stephen Cocconi © 2011 The Body is the most visible of all aspects of our personalities. The Physical Plane is a realm that is substantive and individualistic. Nothing so facilitates these features as does a physical form. And with it, we take actions, we feel and sense, and we interact.