Stephen Cocconi – Citizen of Earth
“I must create a system or be enslaved by another man’s; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.”
by William Blake from Jerusalem, Plate 10
Citizen of Earth™
Michael Channel
Communications Facilitator
Founder of Applied Michael™
Author of the Michael Motivations Cards™
Hello, my name is Stephen Cocconi. For long-time Michael aficionados you might recognize me as one of several professional channels who have been working at the craft of Michael Channeling for almost 30 years. Even before my career began, I’ve been an ardent student of religion, science, spirituality, politics, economics, literature, psychology, sociology and metaphysics; which, the latter of course, is the catch-all container under which all the aforementioned derive. I know a lot of stuff! But “expert” is a word I shy away from because it has overarching ego qualities of title and status. I prefer student. I like to learn. I like to teach. I do what I do! The focus of my work is to assist you to realize a full life and to live it well! My style, which I’ve come to call Entertainment Style Instruction (ESI), is how I convey Applied Michael™ and my other offerings. The terms and exercises I have adopted or invented support people in learning about themselves and being with others. As a result, this latest offering in alignment with my commission from the Michael Entity is the Michael Motivation Cards™.
Introduction to Michael Students: Cocconi’s Overleaves
Let me intrigue the newcomer with a application of the Michael Teaching’s terminology using the Overleaves Personality Trait System character set. For Michael “purists” this chart of my personal Overleaves may lend a familiarity and insight as to who I am and perhaps my predilections. Here goes:
- Soul Age: 5th Old -(Boy do I feel it! Although I wish I could master the “maturity thing”.)
- Role: Sage
- Essence Twin: Scholar
- Goal: Growth & Chief Feature: Stubbornness – “I did it myyyyyy wayyyyyy!”
- Mode: Passion
- Center: Intellectual Part of the Emotional Center
- Attitude: Idealist & Chief
Feature of Self-Deprecation – “Will this ever be good enough?” - Frequency: 65 (or pacing, as measured from 1-100) influences my learning style and decision making tendencies
- Masculine-Feminine Energy Ratio: 35% M – 65% F (aka – a chick with a dick; in contrast to a guy with a pie)
- Body Type: A Jupiter-Saturn-Venus combination, with a bit of Neptune thrown in for that glint in the eye.
- Casting Order: Ring 17 – 1st Cadre – 2nd Entity – 1st Cadence (Server)- 6th Cluster Row (Priest), position 36
- Platform: Freedom
- Life Task: To teach people about self acceptance with use of my sense of humor and characterizations of life.
At age 27, when I first discovered the Michael Teaching™ (this life, I mean), my mind was blown wide open while simultaneously galvanized by an unusual recognition I couldn’t explain. A year later, sensing revelation but fearing psychosis, Michael came booming through me for just about anyone who asked, or would listen. They told me I was a “very willing candidate” and mentioned my decent vocabulary, hokey sense of humor, college education and acceptable knowledge of a wide array of human disciplines as something they found useful in my employ with them. (Even Michael gives performance reviews). So, when they told me to get busy with the Michael Motivation Cards™ deck, building on the approach we called Applied Michael™, I said, “what the heck!”
My philosophy can be summed up in this phrase: “You are a Spiritual Being, on a Human Path,” not the other way around. Living on the Big Island of Hawaii for 5 years really grounded my sense of what this phrase meant. It is to engage as a contributor to the human family and more-so as a Citizen of Earth. Michael first channeled this phrase through me 21 years ago when the Ascension Movement was in full swing. By the way, we are not here to suffer because of our guilt due to some original sin; to pray for the Messiah – new or returning; to wait for the rapture and judgment day; or endure samsara, karma, and dharma; or escape life in any way. But to live it fully!
As I am only one vessel, I welcome the input of others to help refine and extrapolate this product offering to a more useful and definitive form. A point of personal guidance, Michael has cautioned me about the tendency of a self-deprecater (yours truly) to diminish my own insights and think others inputs superior. For this I must be clear and concern myself not with my own Ego’s fear of lack or being inferior to others, but to scrutinize every offered input with a discerning eye for the benefit of the materiel. I may engage in a dialogue with you about your suggestions or I may not. Depending on the submission, I may offer attribution to it or I may not. It will depend on the significance of the contribution and my guidance from Michael.
I hold BA’s in Economics & Psychology, and a minor in Political Science from CSU Chico. To borrow a phrase – I’ve been a jack of many trades, and had a wide variety of adventures and encounters (some pleasant, some not) on my walk this life. I draw upon experiences from both the private and public sector for insights related to business and world events. Additionally, I am knowledgeable in the practices and techniques of education, small group training and leadership and communication coaching, and facilitation of people’s difficult transitions and experiences. I taught web project management as an Adjunct Professor in Information Systems Management for the College of Professional Studies with University of San Francisco (USF). Concurrently, I taught for 4 years at Los Medanos Community College in Pittsburg, CA where I established both the online e-commerce and web design curriculums. In the 1980’s I worked with Sage Seminars as a small group facilitator, and in a similar role with The Stanford Associates, in the 1990’s. Other adventures in my diverse career included training by Wil Schutz Associates to administer his “Human Element” Series in both work place and workshop settings. IGeneration, a pioneer web training company hired me as a subject matter expert (SME) in the area of web site development and project management. In addition to these other activities, I am a communications coach using No-Fault Communications, my own company established in 1999, built on the seminal work of Fred Keyser and Heidi Fox called Loving Communication©.
Why “Practical Spiritualist”?
A pox on belief systems which masquerade as thinking. I am a foil of all belief in doctrine and dogma. My motto: question, test, learn, question some more, test again, learn anew, ad infinitum. By contrast, I support the idea that while religions and philosophy and channeled material may be useful in pointing you in the direction of truth, the only Holy Truths are those that make you feel whole! It is my opinion that metaphysics has been derived to answer two basic question: “What is going to happen to me? and “What do I do next? “ Of all that I have studied, The Michael Teaching stands alone as the most inclusive and elegantly comprehensive philosophy and meta-theory, I’ve yet to encounter. Embracing and wedding both the strictures of science and the canons of religion, it explores the intricate interactions between the macro-cosmic order of the Universe and the microcosmic Soloverse© of individuality within each person. But when I hear the Michael Teaching™ invoked as a rigid declaration of the truth; to that instead I say, phooey! All present knowledge, is only a stepping stone toward an expanded knowledge and vision of reality and what is possible; not the end of the walk.
In other words, I try to view everything thorough the lens of a skeptic; making it a serious study but not taking my ego-mind too seriously. Said more precisely, I pursue accuracy and correctness while being careful not to nestle myself in self-righteousness. With belief in the adage, “don’t believe everything you think” my old comedic sub-personality emerged and The Skeptical Psychic was born! With assistance from another alter ego, Swami Shanana-Ananda, we are on a crusade to help others see the great drama that Spirit has created for all of us here on our planet. Life’s drama may be comedy, a tragedy, adventure story, mystery, or documentary. It is my attitude toward my own lot (and yours about yourself) that frames the perspective of “this must be heaven or this must be hell.” The only way to cope, let alone excel, and leave no one and no residual damage behind is compassion! Compassion is the grease that lubricates the wheels of life. When I give some, I get some. It is also the solvent from which I can forgive in strength; absolving anger, pain, and hurt, while not excusing the behavior nor forgetting it. From Compassion, and the love it is founded upon, seems to provide me the capacity to morph, adapt, or change my reality when needed. Without compassion, I can get stuck (and frankly have seen many of us do this) in consensus reality and resign myself to hopelessness or anger or shame and thus become a victim of it. Been there, done that…still struggle sometimes, too.
On a mission from TUG – (TAO, Universe, God)
Telling people I am a channel often evokes glazed expressions. So for simplicity I say that I am a minister. No muss, no fuss! A quick box for the mind to file me in. Legally, I prefer the liberty offered by such a designation. I truly thank TUG, whatever it may be, for the First Amendment to the US Constitution’s freedom of religious expression. And let us not forget the sacred separation of church and state! Ordained in both the Universal Life Church© and the Spiritual Humanist Church, I assure you that I stay clear of strict religious adherence or dictum’s and prefer the pursuit of personal integrity through one’s seeking of individual spiritual truth; in whatever guise one may find it. I consider myself a witness, listener, generalist, adviser, commentator, and interpreter of Michael’s communications. I am not a mind reader or fortune teller! I actively discourage being pedestalized. And, I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone!
Currently located near Yosemite National Park, as I work to complete my current assignment from Essence; write four books! The On Motivation: Getting Gotten on the Drives that Make us Human, Symbolized in the Michael Motivation Cards™ is the first book; first printed publication by early 2017. Stay tuned!
Citizen of Earth™
Michael Channel
Communications Facilitator
Founder of Applied Michael™
Author of the Michael Motivations Cards™