Family Imprints Spread (7)
(Adapted from the Family Constillation©work of Bert Hellinger)

Family is your first society and is central to physical survival. It the source of one's most profound and meaningful learning. Family, or its substitutes, provide one's initial imprinting for living, which includes: identity formation - either in supportive or wounding ways. It is influences of one's: parents, siblings, relatives, but even beloved teachers and pets, all in the environment (economic, geographic, and racial) the family unit was nested.
For Essence, the nuclear family (obviously produces "baby boomers" :-D) is the first venue where it chooses to place the Personality (Card 56) it assembles, for that particular incarnation. Family dynamics are often loaded with many Karma's (Card 65), Agreements or Monads (See Covenants Set pg. ?? ) to be engaged early in life, when the body is most flexible, most impressionable, and more likely to gain the imprinting it desires as a context for some spiritual work. One of the major functions of parents besides supplying the child's baseline "survival needs"; referencing again Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs©, is they are the first model's of Masculine (Card 60) and Feminine (Card 59) archetypes.

Bert Hellinger[2], who coined the term "family constellation work", employs this psychotherapeutic technique specifically for discovering unresolved patterns, or healing wounds, sustained within one's family system.
When you decide to use this layout, you are seeking to release and reclaim a deep level "cosmic power®", as Hellinger calls it; to flesh out otherwise hidden dimensions you adopted as imprints from your family system. Every time you employ this layout, you may expect to be presented with the more specific elements present in your family, that are particularly relevant to your question and level of readiness behind it.
For the purpose of these cards, you are in the Power Position at the Center, Card 4.
- Card 1 - Father: Actual sire, or the person who was the male person who raised you (Draw additional cards if more than one player is significant.)
- Card 2 - Mother: Actual birth woman (even if not known), or the female person(s) who who raised you (Draw additional cards if more than one player is significant.)
- Card 3 - Siblings: Pull one card each, per sibling. If you have no siblings - include a significant friend, relative, or pet who may have served in that capacity as close equal. If you had none, this card holds the significant perception of a sibling you held instinctively or idealized.
- Card 4 - You - Center of your Soloverse: The reaction which might impede progress or alter the outcome negatively.
Shifts to current influences:
- Card 5 - Your Spouse or Significant Other (Or the reason that role is unfulfilled in your life): What action style should you proceed with?
- Card 6 - Child, Pet, Work, Public Image: You may choose a card for any of them or all of them. However, the energy of this placeholder signifies who the recipients of the effects of your family imprinting are receiving it right now.
- Card 7 - Dreams and Aspirations: Everyone is born with some vision of "who they want to be when they grow up." It never leaves us, though it may mature, morph, and sometimes is lost in the ravages of our lives. This reminds you what the kernel of those original hopes were and how you might reclaim them.
1. Father/Masculine The history as is has led to the situation. ![]() |
2. Mother/Feminine What is possible from these circumstances. ![]() |
3. Siblings An energy that acts to hinder you or interferes with your plans. ![]() |
4. You/Person Gives you a shield or a buffer. ![]() |
5. Spouse or Love Interest Operating below the surface of your awareness. ![]() |
6. Childen - Pet - Work - or Public Image All of these are in someways one's offspring. ![]() |
7. Dreams and Aspirations Patterns in play that seek resolution and may help or hinder. ![]() |