Thank you for your Patronage!
I appreciate greatly your patronage. I honor your desire to gain insight and that you have decided that I am a worthy assistant in that task.
This is my life work, my raison d’ebtre (reason for being); yet to be true it is also my business. Therefore, the choice you have made to employ my services is one that I honor as an act of consumer faith on your part. There are many fine channelers, psychics, therapists, teachers, and programs out there to which you could be devoting your money. And yet, whatever you receive through me or from me vis-a-vie channeling, I believe you will find it priceless!
Thank you once again! 🙂
Please be sure to mail or email photos of yourself or anyone else you want channeling about to
Let’s connect soon to schedule your session.
Call 209-768-4956
All the best,
Stephen Cocconi